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Pilot Brotherhoods

The german pilotage system is part of the safety and environmental protection concept "German Coast" which has been installed by the government as regulating carrier for all traffic systems.

The relatively narrow and shallow waterways along the coast, on the rivers and channels in connection with dense traffic make it necessary to provide advisors that are familiar with the location and with vessels at all times. The advisors have to guide fast and safe through these sensitive areas.

The performance of the installed system can also be meassured by looking at the number of accidents: below 1 per 1.000 movements

Local administrative offices (Outposts of the General Waterways and Shipping Directorate - GWSD) along the coast provide for governmental control and close reaction on individual traffic requirements. The german pilotage system is affected by permanent contacts between the Ministry of Transportation, Federal Chamber of Pilots, General Waterway and Shipping Directorate and the Pilot Brotherhoods.

To keep the pilotage system up-to-date technical innovations are implemented. The running system is subject to changes and adjustments which are achieved by a trustfull teamwork of administration and self-administration.

A big upcoming challenge is to cover the rising demand for new pilots in the future.

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